Here is the knowledge necessary to grow plants successfully.
We will answer frequently asked questions when nurturing.

Q1. How much is the electricity cost of Plantlight5W?
The power consumption at the time of LED lighting is 5W, and when used for 12 hours irradiation /
1 day, the electricity bill is very small, about 41 / month.

Q2.Plantlight ¤Î¾¦Éʼ÷Ì¿¤Ï¤É¤ÎÄøÅ٤Ǥ·¤ç¤¦¤«¡©
Q2. How long is the product life of Plantlight?
Although the design life differs for each product, the design life is about 2 to 4 years. (This is the life of the design value, and varies greatly depending on the usage environment.) It is generally said that the lifespan of an LED, that is, the time it takes for brightness to drop to 70%, is about generally about 40,000 hours span>. 40,000 hours is a calculation that lasts 10 to 11 years even if used 10 hours a day span>. Certainly, it has that much in terms of the life of the LED element, but the internal board will end its life before the LED is cut.

Q3.Plantlight ¤Î¾ÈÌÀ¤Ç¿ÍÂΤ˰±Æ¶Á¤Î¤¢¤ë¾È¼Í¤Ï¤Ê¤¤¤Ç¤·¤ç¤¦¤«¡©¡Ê»ç³°ÀþÅù¡Ë
Q3. Are there any adverse effects on the human body with Plantlight lighting? (Ultraviolet rays, etc.)
Plantlight ¤Ï¡¢ÂÀÍÛ¸÷¤ÎÇÈŤò¥Ù¡¼¥¹¤ËÀ߷פµ¤ì¤Æ¤ª¤ê¤Þ¤¹¤¬¡¢
Plantlight is designed based on the wavelength of sunlight, but Since it does not contain UV rays that are harmful to the human body, it is safe lighting. However, if you look directly at the light, it may cause a loss of vision.Do not look at the lights or bring them close to your eyes.

Q4.Is the role of red LED and blue LED the same?
¡ü The wavelength of blue light is effective for morphogenesis (thickening leaves, thickening stems, etc.).
¡ü Red light is the most important for promoting plant growth (e.g., extending stems, expanding leaf area, etc.).

Q5. Why does Plantlight grow plants?
Plantlight ¤ÏÂÀÍÛ¸÷¤ò¥Ù¡¼¥¹¤Ë¸÷¹çÀ®ÇÈĹ¡¢¸÷Î̤ò¿¢Êª¤Ë¤È¤Ã¤ÆºÇŬ¤ÊÀ߷פǤ¤é¤ì¤¿¥é¥¤¥È¤Ç¤¹¡£
Plantlight is a light that is designed based on sunlight to optimize the photosynthetic wavelength and light intensity for plants.
¡ü The wavelength effective for photosynthesis, that is, the absorption wavelength range of chlorophyll is 400nm to 700nm. Of these, red (640-690 nm) and blue (420-470 nm) are particularly important. By setting the photosynthetic wavelength to the peak and maximizing the photon, the plant It is designed to be more effective than sunlight, depending on the product and usage conditions.

Q6.Is the irradiation effect of Plantlight all plants?
Plantlight ¤ÏÍÕÎÐÁǤǹԤï¤ì¤ë¸÷¹çÀ®¤ò½õ¤±¤ë¾ÈÌÀ¤Ç¤¹¡£
Plantlight is a lighting that assists photosynthesis in chlorophyll.
This principle is effective for plants with leaves that look green.
When germinating, when there are no (or few) leaves, or when the leaves are not
greenThe effect has not been confirmed with plants that have them.

Q7. Can photosynthesis be performed using only Plantlight?
¿å¤ä¥ê¤¬ÉÔ¤¹¤ë¤ÈPlantlight ¤Î¸ú²Ì¤â½Ð¤Æ¤¤Þ¤»¤ó¡£
In addition to light, carbon dioxide and water, temperature, and ventilation are important for photosynthesis.
If water or water is insufficient, the effect of Plantlight will not come out.
Water the recommended frequency and amount for each plant.
Also, Plantlight light irradiation does not prevent pests and plant diseases,
Please give sufficient care to prevent root rot.

Q8. Does the effect differ depending on the distance between the light source and the plant?
The effect is different. The reason is that, depending on the distance
between the light source and the plant, how much photon the plant has
It depends on what you get. The closer you get, the more power you don't need. The appropriate amount of light depends on the type of plant. We recommend that you adjust the irradiation distance while observing the plants.

Q9. I heard that Vitamin C has increased in vegetables grown in Plantlight.
Leaf lettuce grown on LED is 3 times more vitamin C and 14 times more vitamin A than open field cultivation.
Vitamin E is 6 times and antioxidant is 3 times.
Related to the increase in nutritional value and change in taste are LEDs that can emit various lights.
Sunlight is divided into seven colors, red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and purple, depending on the length of the wavelength.
Outdoor grown vegetables are evenly exposed to these lights, but
Essentially, the nature of vegetables changes greatly depending on the color of the light they receive.
Leaf lettuce, for example, is exposed to red wavelength light, which increases glucose and oligosaccharides and increases sweetness.
That's why we use LEDs to intensively irradiate light that increases the nutritional value we want.

Q10.Does a lot of flowers bloom when grown with Plantlight?
Normal (* Note) plants have leaves that perform photosynthesis on the leaves and bloom using the acquired nutrients.
Therefore, many flowers can be bloomed in a potted plant where photosynthesis has been sufficiently performed indoors with Plantlight.
However, it is different if it blooms soon after the nutrients are stored,
When the flowers bloom, the plants feel the sunshine hours and temperature, for example, insects that transmit pollen
It depends on other factors, such as blooming at many times.
(* Note) Trees and bulbs can store nutrients, so
Some plants, such as cherry blossoms, bloom before the leaves.

Q11. Are there any benefits to growing plants indoors?
(1) Speaking of indoors, it is common to decorate potted plants as one of the interiors.
The houseplants placed in this room can be grown even in low light conditions.
However, if you have Plantlight, you can enjoy plants with high photosynthetic activity that grow in the sun indoors.
(2) Growing plants indoors decomposes carbon dioxide in the room by the action of photosynthesis.
Since it is converted to oxygen, it is effective as a natural air purifier.
If photosynthesis is performed properly, the leaves are about 4m2 and 10 liters a day
It is also said that oxygen (= the amount of oxygen that one person absorbs) can be produced.
£ When potted herbs are grown indoors, the fragrance of this herb fills the room, and
It is a natural air freshener. We recommend cultivation of rosemary and mint.

Is it OK to leave it on for 24 hours?
Plants need day and night, just like nature.
Please turn on the light for about 10 hours to 12 hours a day.
The longer the LED is not lit for a long time, the longer the service life.

Q13. Can I use an instrument with an umbrella?
It can be used if the umbrella is large and there is enough space on the side of the light, but if there is no space,
The heat radiation effect of the light is weakened, the temperature of the bulb rises, and the life is suddenly shortened.
We recommend that you use the unit in a well-ventilated state.

Q14. Can I use a lighting fixture with a dimming function?
It cannot be used for lighting equipment with dimming function.
Never stop it, as it may cause a fire.

Q15. Can I use overseas-made lighting equipment?
Please check the specifications of the lighting equipment before use.
¡¦Rated power consumption of applicable light source
(Different between LED and incandescent bulb.
It is a story with incandescent bulbs, and does not mean that you can use up to 60W with LEDs.
Please use it after contacting the lighting equipment manufacturer. )
¡¦Rated voltage Please be sure to check.

Q16. Why did the light bulb blink?
LEDÅŵ塦¾ÈÌÀ¤ÎÅÀÌǸξã¤Î¸¶°ø¤È¤·¤Æ¹Í¤¨¤é¤ì¤ë¤Î¤Ï¡¢¤Þ¤º¡¢ÅŵåÆâÉô¤Ë ÁȤ߹þ¤Þ¤ì¤Æ¤¤¤ëÅŻҲóÏ©¤ä¤½¤Î¤Û¤«¤Î¥Ñ¥Ã¥±¡¼¥¸ÉôÉʤÎÎô²½¤Ë¤è¤Ã¤ÆÄÌÅŤ¬ÉÔ°ÂÄê¤Ë¤Ê¤Ã¤Æ¤¤¤ë¥±¡¼¥¹¤Ç¤¹¡£
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Possible causes of flashing failure of LED bulbs and lighting may be that the electronic circuits and packaged components built inside the bulbs have deteriorated and are not energized. Also, if the bulb flashes immediately after purchase, it may be due to incompatibility with the receiving light fixture or other problems. If the light does not light up normally after replacing it with another lighting fixture, we will repair it free of charge within one year. Depending on the product covered, we will repair it free of charge for 3 years.
Products covered by the 3-year warranty: Light bulbs(Only for lots after October 2021)

Q17. The original part of the light bulb and the surroundings get quite hot Is it OK?
The LED heats up as soon as it turns on.
This is because the base of the LED has heat, but our LED has a sufficient heat dissipation design, so
Even if it gets hot, the surface temperature is about 50 degrees, so it can be touched with bare hands.
(I feel hot because it is hotter than body temperature.)
This is a normal value for LEDs, and is a temperature at which you can use it with peace of mind.
(Incandescent bulbs exceed 100 degrees.)
If you put something on the LED or put something on top of it, the temperature of the bulb will rise sharply and
Never stop it, as it may cause a fire.

18. Can it be used outdoors or in a greenhouse?
It cannot be used outdoors or in a greenhouse of 35 ¡ë or more.
In humid places, the life of the bulb will be significantly reduced.
Indoor and indoor temperatures within 35 ¡ë are required.