Difference from other companies' lights

BARRELのPLANT LIGHTは農業、アクアリウム、観賞用植物の様々な分野での専門家に試験依頼をし、数多くの育成データやレビューを元に設計されており、光合成する植物全てに対応できるLEDラインナップを取り揃えております。
The light required is complicated by the variety and the environment in which plants grow.
BARREL's PLANT LIGHT asks experts in various fields such as agriculture, aquariums and ornamental plants to test, and is designed based on many growing data and reviews, and provides an LED lineup that can respond to all photosynthetic plants. We have it.
Many plant professionals and plant shops have been patronizing and satisfied.
一般の屋内照明用途では、平均演色評価数90未満の物が多く、 色検査・美術館・博物館の照明など、厳密な色の見え方が要求される場面では、 Ra90以上の自然光に近い色の再現性が求められます。 BARRELのほとんどの商品が平均演色評価指数(Ra90)以上の高演色LEDとなり、光を照射する植物が非常に綺麗に観賞できます。(一部、Ra90未満の商品もございます。)

(※演色性【Ra】)を高めるためには、人の目の視感度※の悪い波長帯(人の目で暗く感じる傾向がある色)である、 光の波長にエネルギーを割り振ることになるため、結果的に白色光としての発光強度は低くなります。つまり、一般的には演色性(Ra)が高いほど、発光効率は下がる傾向にあります。 BARRELの高演色LEDは非常に高い演色性(Ra)の数値で対象物が綺麗に見えながらも独自の発光技術で発光強度も高く、優れた発光効率で植物を照らし、植物の成長を助けることができます。 まさに、室内の太陽と読んでも過言ではない光と言えます。
(演色性とは) 自然光基準に自然光の色をどの程度再現しているのかを示す指標です。 平均演色評価数(Ra)を使って表すのが一般的です。 Ra100は、自然光と同様の色を再現していると言うことで、Ra100に近い程、自然光の色味に近いと言え対象物が太陽光に照らされているようなクリアな見え方をします。
Amazing clear light
In general indoor lighting applications, many objects have an average color rendering index of less than 90, In situations where strict color appearance is required, such as in color inspections, museum and museum lighting, color reproducibility close to Ra90 or higher and close to natural light is required. Most of BARREL's products are high color rendering LEDs with an average color rendering index (Ra90) or higher, and you can enjoy beautifully illuminated plants. (Some products are less than Ra90.)
In order to enhance (* color rendering [Ra]), energy is allocated to the wavelength of light, which is the wavelength range where human eyes have poor visibility * (colors that tend to be perceived as dark by human eyes). As a result, the emission intensity as white light is reduced. In other words, generally, the higher the color rendering property (Ra), the lower the luminous efficiency tends to be. BARREL's high color rendering LED has a very high color rendering property (Ra) value, while the object looks beautiful, the original light emitting technology has high light emission intensity, illuminates the plant with excellent luminous efficiency, and helps plant growth I can. Indeed, it is not exaggerated to read the sun indoors.
(What is color rendering) It is an index showing how much the natural light color is reproduced based on the natural light standard. It is common to express using the average color rendering index (Ra). By saying that Ra100 reproduces the same color as natural light, it can be said that the closer to Ra100, the closer to the color of natural light, the clearer the appearance of the object being illuminated by sunlight .